

Don’t let these big ole’ beef ribs intimidate you. This easy-to-make dry brine takes 20 minutes to prep and does most of the heavy lifting for you. Simply smoke for 4-5 hours then wrap the ribs in foil till they’re cooked to tender perfection.



  • 3 Pound (9-12 lb) uncut prime or choice beef short ribs

  • kosher salt

  • Worcestershire sauce

  • Traeger Prime Rib Rub

  • Traeger Blackened Saskatchewan Rub

  • 2 Ounce apple juice, for spritzing

  • 2 Ounce beef broth


Purchase a package of uncut short ribs from your favorite grocer or butcher store. Should be about 9 to 12 pounds for 2 racks of 4 bones each for a total of 8.


  • 12 Pound (9-12 lb) uncut prime or choice beef short ribs

  • Trim as much fat as possible from the top of the ribs with a sharp knife. Remove the membrane from the bottom of each rack of 4 bones.

Sprinkle with kosher salt for the dry brine and wrap in plastic wrap for at least 6 hours or overnight in your refrigerator.


  • As Needed kosher salt

When ready to cook, set Traeger temperature to 275°F and preheat with the lid closed for 15 minutes.

Grill: 275 ˚F


Wipe the excess salt mixture from the top of the ribs. Coat with a light amount of Worcestershire sauce before putting on a medium coat of Traeger Prime Rib Rub.


  • As Needed Worcestershire sauce

  • As Needed Traeger Prime Rib Rub

Follow with a lighter coat of Traeger Saskatchewan Rub. Spritz with apple juice and let set for 15 to 20 minutes.


  • As Needed Traeger Blackened Saskatchewan Rub

  • 8 Ounce apple juice, for spritzing

Place on the Traeger with the thicker portion of the ribs (if applicable) towards the back of the grill.


Smoke the ribs for 4 to 5 hours, lightly spritzing every 30 minutes with the apple juice to keep them moist until the internal temperature reaches approximately 180°F, or the color has a nice deep char.

Grill: 275 ˚F

Probe: 180 ˚F

Like a brisket, take the ribs off of the grill and wrap them in 2 sheets of heavy-duty foil along with 4 ounces of broth for each rack of ribs.


  • 8 Ounce beef broth

Place back on the Traeger for another hour, or until the internal temperature of the meat reaches around 203°F. Remove and cut. Serve immediately. Enjoy!

Grill: 275 ˚F

Probe: 203 ˚F


Why to eat Texas beef ribs, you ask?

One Texas Brine Beef Ribs can provide nearly 23.5 g of protein, 12 g of fat including 4.5 g of saturated fat.

Thus, beef ribs has been proved to provide some great health benefit-


Insufficiency of iron and anima kill thousands of people every year. Beef assists in preserving the iron levels where it needs to be and prevent this dreadful sickness.


Vitamin B12 is found in the food from animals only, and is beneficial for skin, mood and sleep. Beef is also a rich source of Vitamins E and K. Dry Texas Beef Ribs Tx can deliver most of the daily quantity of selenium and zinc that your bodies require.


L-carnitine is found high in beef. This is an amino acid that supports the body in collecting fat. Carnosine is a productive amino acid which prevents cell damage, enhances the immune system, and is an anti-inflammatory.


Dry Brine Beef Ribs Tx can help prevent chronic diseases and increases longevity. Glutathione is an antioxidant that can have anti-aging benefits and it upgrade the immune system.


Muscle mass is built from protein. The body also uses it for making and fixing bone, skin and cartilage. Protein is great at preventing food cravings. It provides you a feeling of full for a longer duration.

Texas Beef Ribs can be brined overnight to keep them extra moist, but you can also skip this step if you’re pressed for time. Start by removing as much of the extra fat cap as you can. You just need to worry about the meaty side of the short ribs because the majority of the flesh is on top of the bone. Since the flesh, not the fat, will give the bark, you want as much of the meat exposed as you can. Don’t worry; there is enough fat there to preserve all of the flavor. To get a fair exposure of the meat from Dry Brine Ribs, which are typically sold in small slabs or racks, remove as much of the fat cap as is necessary. To help the flesh stay on the bone when cooking, leave the membrane on the rear (bone) side.

1. Eliminate the membrane:

If you’ve ever smoked BBQ ribs (beef or pork), you know how crucial it is to prepare the meat by removing the membrane. On the underside of the ribs, there is a thin layer that is called silver skin that needs to be removed. The membrane does not render and even has the potential to become stretchy when heated. It’s nearly inedible, so we must get rid of it.

2. Dry Brine:

Dry Brine Prime Rib helps BBQ ribs stay moister and more flavorful on the plate by assisting with water retention during the cooking process. You must dry brine your back ribs if you want to ensure that they are well salted. Additionally, brining your ribs will help them keep moisture. Brining the ribs also helps to slightly shorten the cooking time. Ribs must be cooked slowly and low on the smoker. Back ribs can be brined to hasten the process without compromising taste or quality.